Press Release: Indie Comics Magazine Editor Gary Scott Beatty recently announced Indiana writer and artist David Branstetter’s character Straw Man will appear in an eight page story titled Has Been in the new comic book, scheduled for preorder in Diamond Comic Distributors’ January 2011 Previews catalog and available only through Previews.
“David’s work is quintessential indie publishing, with clever dialogue, quirky premise and solid storytelling,” said Beatty. “He deserves a wider audience and that is what Indie Comics Magazine is all about.”
Branstetter said he had always been attracted to the independent comic scene because of the creative empowerment it gives to artists. After meeting Sky Ape artist Richard Jenkins, David was inspired to create a new kind of comic book character that wasn’t from another planet or created by radioactive waves. In a Logic and Critical Thinking class David first heard the term “Straw Man.” He unleashed the comic Straw Man #1 in June, 2004.

Straw Man is a blend of both the logic principle and the traditional superhero archetype, Branstetter explained. “Straw Man comics is about a super hero with no super powers. He thinks he has a straw for a head but he doesn’t. His happy-go-lucky sidekick is Pepe. He’s not crazy but he enjoys running around like a superhero.”
Each issue of Indie Comics Magazine will feature eight full stories from eight different independent comic book creators, said Beatty. Short biographies and contact information are included with the stories so readers can easily seek out more of the creators’ work. Readers can find out more about Straw Man at
Indie Comics Magazine is available ONLY through the Previews order magazine at your local comic shop. The first issue premieres January, 2011. Information about Indie Comics Magazine is online at
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