New All-Ages Title is a Runaway Hit!
Press Release: Ape Entertainment is pleased to announce that the new all-ages comic Scratch9 #1 written and created by Rob M. Worley and illustrated by Jason T. Kruse, has sold out from the publisher. This sell-out is an auspicious beginning for this break-out comic featuring a runaway cat who can summon any of his nine lives to help get him out of a jam.

“We knew the response for this book was going to be big so we made sure we over-printed it by a pretty large amount,” said Ape Entertainment Co-Publisher David Hedgecock. “Needless to say, the response was MUCH greater than anticipated and we owe a big thanks to all the retailers and fans for that.”
Though some copies of issue #1 may still be available at the retail level, Ape Entertainment recognizes that the sell-out is inconvenient for fans who are having trouble finding the book. To that end the book is now available on iTunes through the Comics+ app from iVerse Media.
“I’ve been floored by all the great buzz the book has been getting and pleased that we can keep the book available through the Comics+ app,” said Worley. “I know fans are going to love discovering all the aspects of our cat hero across the four-issues of the mini-series.”
Fans who don’t already have the Comics+ app on their iPad, iPhone or iPod can install it for free it from
Download issue #1 today and find out why Katherine Dacey of School Library Journal says, “One of the best new series I discovered at this years’ New York Comic-Con is Scratch9!”
Scratch9 #2 is in stores now. The third and fourth issues arrive in comic shops everywhere in early November and December. All four issues of the mini-series are complete and ready to go to print, ensuring there’ll be no late shipping!
For more information about Scratch9, visit

About Ape Entertainment: Founded in 2003, Ape Entertainment is the brainchild of lifelong comic book devotees David Hedgecock, and Brent E Erwin. Home to such popular titles as GO-GO GORILLA AND THE JUNGLE CREW, SUPERHUMAN RESOURCES, BLACK COAT, ATHENA VOLTAIRE, and THE TROUBLE WITH KATIE ROGERS, it is also the North American publisher for DreamWorks Animation licensed properties SHREK, THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR, and KUNG FU PANDA.
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