Month: June 2008
Wanted Movie Review
2008 Dir: Timur Bekmambetov Script: Michael Brandt, Derek Haas, Chris Morgan Cast: James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, Thomas Kretschmann, Konstantin Khabensky, Marc Warren, Terrence Stamp I must confess to having had a difficult time reading Mark Millar’s superhero satire Wanted the first time around, and further difficulty in reviewing it. How could I objectively…
Batman: Dark Victory TPB Review
1999, DC Story: Jeph Loeb Art: Tim Sale Colours: Gregory Wright Dark Victory follows on directly from the events of Loeb and Sales The Long Halloween. With the supposed Holiday killer Alberto Falcone behind bars, a new serial killer, the Hangman, is targeting Gotham City’s corrupt cops. As you can imagine, there’s a veritable buffet…
Songs from the Punisher Movies
in FeaturesSo you loved the Punisher movie, right? And it goes without saying that you’ve bought the obligatory skull T-shirt, joined the nearest gym and began on building a physique befitting Thomas Jane? Whether you’ve already assembling an arsenal large enough to stage a rebellion, or have decided that the obnoxious clerk down at the deli…
Alan Moore’s Top 10 Book 1 TPB Review
2000, America’s Best Comics Writer: Alan Moore Art: Gene Ha, Zander Cannon Though Alan Moore has never bettered his eighties output, and likely never will, it’s amazing how strong his work for America’s Best Comics has been. At first glance The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Tom Strong and Promethea are all typical high-concept ideas, of…
The Incredible Hulk Movie Review
Dir: Louis Leterrier Script: Zak Penn, Edward Norton Cast: Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, William Hurt, Tim Blake Nelson Best described as a noble failure, Ang Lee’s Hulk was the Lisa Simpson of Marvel’s recent film output. Brave and ponderous, its shades of Oedipus didn’t exactly thrill an audience who simply craved a big…
Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall Graphic Novel Review
2006, DC/Vertigo Writer: Bill Willingham Illustrators: Esao Andrews, Brian Bolland, John Bolton, Mark Buckingham, James Jean, Michael Wm. Kaluta, Derek Kirk Kim, Tara McPherson, Jill Thompson. Charles Vess, Mark Wheatley Fables’ strength has always been that, whether immersed in Bill Willingham’s universe or not, anyone fortunate enough to have survived childhood will be familiar with…
Batman: The Long Halloween TPB Review
1996, DC Write: Jeph Loeb Artist: Tim Sale Colours: Gregory Wright Essentially years two and three to Frank Miller’s seminal Batman: Year One, Loeb and Sale’s superhero noir The Long Halloween resumes the Caped Crusaders conflicts with Gotham’s feuding Mafiosos, the Falcone and Maroni families, introduced in Year One, as well as providing an origin…
Batman: False Faces TPB Review
2008, DC Story: Brian K. Vaughan Pencils: Scott McDaniel, Rick Burchett, Scott Kolins, Marcos Martin Inks: Karl Story, John Lowe, Dan Panosian, Drew Geraci Colours: Roberta Tewes, John Wright, Pam Rambo, Tom McCraw With Y: The Last Man having reached its conclusion and Brian K. Vaughan receiving all manner of acclaim for his work on…